Stéphane Brizard, SLI and Tech Pub expert : “The software enables us to define spare parts catalogs”
What is your activity? We produce maintenance documentation and spare parts catalogs for various sectors, including aerospace, defense, and industry.

Corridor Confessions 5 – the front end developer
Ronico is a fresh front end developer at 3D Juump. Discover what he has to say about his job and

3D Juump Kiwi, the future of work-instructions
Assembly and maintenance departments are now connected to the digital-twin of your product. In real time. Huge time-savings for technical

Corridor Confessions 4 – the technical manager
Jerôme is Technical Manager at 3D Juump. If the software are flawless, that’s probably because of him. Discover what this

Better do it in 3D – the measurements
An unusual use case, yes. But it still works thanks to todays tools. Look how Katja helped Sylvain to make

We found the Digital Mock-up of a 1911 aircraft: the Blériot XI
At 3D Juump we encourage initiatives that drive forward knowledge in industrial design and construction. Which is why we congratulate