If 3D Juump applications actually work so well, then there's someone behind it. Nicolas is our back-end developer. He confesses himself in "Corridor Confessions".
What is the back-end?
The back-end, it’s everything that the user can’t see, but that makes it possible for the applications to run, in other words things that are part of the architecture, the complex machinery behind the small window you see in 3D Juump applications.
What is a successful project?
For me, in a successful project there is a notion of beauty both in the code and in the design. I like when the code is nice and clean, when there are lots of comments things are well articulated, well conceived.
Because I know that the next person who works on my code could be a colleague I like a lot, or it could very well be myself, 3 years from now, who’s going to suffer a lot, if I didn’t do things neatly.
What's difficult about your job?
What’s so difficult ? Waking up in the morning. [laughs]
The most difficult is to rework on old systems, on things we’ve developed a long time ago. We’re not starting from scratch and we don’t necessarily have the liberty of doing whatever we want. Of course there is also the support of backward compatibility. That’s real nuisance. We also have, in terms of programming, to understand what has been done and why it ended up here. We have to be very careful when manipulating this stuff.
For exemple, we could change some behaviour and eand up breaking something at the other end of the software unwillingly, without noticing.
What are you working on right now?
I’m working on the next version of 3D Juump Infinite: the 3.4.
The server was downloading all the 3D data before serving it to the client application. From now on, we’ll have the system work the other way round. The 3D data will be aggregated somewhere else upstream and the server will only go pick in this pool of 3D files, which will reduce the number of downloads to do and also change how the digital mockup is declared on the side of the integration.
Cliché? Are developers good at math?
Students in one class line up in the hallway.
– 2 by 2, only 1 left
– 3 by 3, only 1 left
– 4 by 4, only 3 left
How many students are in the class?
So they’re an odd number, a multiple of 3+1 and a multiple of 4 + 3 so a multiple of 4 – 1.
Seven: 7 matches. Is that right?
Yes !