Stéphane Brizard, SLI and Tech Pub expert : “The software enables us to define spare parts catalogs”

What is your activity?

We produce maintenance documentation and spare parts catalogs for various sectors, including aerospace, defense, and industry.

What is the purpose of a 3D viewer for you?

We faced a challenge because each client uses different CAD tools for input data.
Generally, we have two options: we either receive a hierarchy or a complete set of drawings, along with the associated 3D model.
We typically retrieve the native file and tend to convert it into an intermediary format, which is the STEP format.

Can you explain in which context you use 3D Juump Ace?

3D Juump Ace allows us to conduct maintainability studies—for example, verifying how to disassemble equipment or sub-equipment and identifying the required elements.
The software enables us to define spare parts catalogs and produce exploded views, which we then export to ISO Draw for final illustration enhancements.

What is its main benefit?

The benefit lies in being able to visualize and navigate in 3D. Most importantly, it frees us from using specific tools for different clients. We have a single tool and a standardized workflow.
The production team knows how to use it and fully masters all its features. We use it almost daily for technical publications and technical data activities.

"One major strength is the reduction in the size of the digital model—it’s reduced by a factor of ten."

What are its strengths?

One major strength is the reduction in the size of the digital model—it’s reduced by a factor of ten.
This makes 3D visualization and usage much more flexible.
The license cost is also appealing, as it significantly affects sales prices.
Additionally, it’s easy to use. There’s no need for a full day of CATIA training to understand how it works. The tool’s interface is very simple.

the future of work instructions

3D Juump Kiwi, the future of work-instructions

Assembly and maintenance departments are now connected to the digital-twin of your product. In real time. Huge time-savings for technical editors. The future of the work instructions Create step-by-step illustrated maintenance procedures straight out from

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