3D Juump Ace release notes provide information on the features and improvements in each release.

• Add option to de/activate cut plane filling
• Add options to configure measure callouts
• Fix bug with importing ace3d files
• Minor bug fixes
• Trial reset for the 3.1 version

• Add support of CGR in 3D export
• Add scatterred export
• Improve computation of patch outline
• Minor bug fixes

Various bug fixes.

A lot of new things come along with this version of 3D juump Ace!

The most important evolution is certainly the possibility to load and display annotations saved in CAD files (first version only for Catia files).

But it also comes with many new functionalities and improvements, described below:

  • Substantial redesign of the GUI Addition of a homepage at startup
  • Moved the toolbox to a panel on the right
  • Redesign of the view bar Added a filter “by type” of the product structure
  • Added information on measures
  • Added a flat rendering mode
  • Additionally, this update also includes other minor bug fixes and improvements.

This version prepares the introduction of new functionalities coming with the future versions of 3d Juump Ace.
These features will no longer be compatible with the software rendering mode.
We have therefore disabled this rendering mode.

This new version brings notable improvements to the stability and the performance of the application thanks to a rewrite of part of its foundations.

It harmonizes the trial versions offered on the website and the Microsoft Store: a full trial version available for 14 days, for free, without commitment and without filling in bank details.

It also comes with many new functionalities and improvements, described below:


  • Better handling of the visible, hidden and ghost spaces.
  • Redesign of the search tool: the visibility state is now taken into account, the 3D view is synchronized with the search results, and you can now select all or some of the results. There is also a quick access to some useful functionalities.
  • Added a filter to the product structure view to quickly find its elements Added a new CAD-oriented camera controller.
  • Added a keyboard shortcut ‘W’ to make it easier to switch between the visible, hidden spaces.
  • Added a « fit to selection » function (space key) to fit the zoom to the selected objects.

3D formats and metadata:

  • New export formats : SAT.
  • New import format : Rhino3D.
  • Improved the Collada file format export.


Installation of updates: when the user accepts to install the 3D Juump Ace updates automatically, the install file is now saved in the Windows default directory. This way, it’s possible to run the installer manually if a problem occurred during the first execution.

This update also includes other minor bug fixes and improvements.

Various bug fixes.

Modification of the automatic updates system

Stability improvement (crash fixes).

Various bug fixes.

DXF format is not supported as a valid input format.

Former version incorrectly listed DXF as a supported input format.

Bug fixes and improvements.

With this version 2.4, 3D Juump Ace offers a new look.

With its new navigation interface, 3D Juump Ace aims to be:

  • even easier to use by anyone, whether CAD expert or not,
  • closer to its users, by guiding them step by step through its various functions,
  • and finally event more fun to use thanks to its revisited and colorful interface.


Also, in this new update, we kept developing helper tools, notably new functionalities for « Align » tool. We also updated our file import libraries to take into account the evolutions of the various formats supported by the software.


What is new in the version:

Interface improvement

  • Ergonomics updates
  • Added an « Edit » menu
  • Wording: “Options” becomes “Settings”
  • Settings window reorganization
  • Addition of a “Privacy” tab in the settings
  • Tutorials, Support and Community links are now available from the “Help” menu

3D Formats and metadata

  • Improved management of supported formats
  • Improved metadata import

Enhancements of existing tools

    • Transform

The « Align » helper is more powerful. It’s now possible to align an object with any kind of feature (circle, line, point…)

    • New « World orientation » mode

Introduced a new mode of world orientation named “Features” that allows the orientation along a selected feature of the object

  • SearchSearch extended to all the metadata of the scene
    The matching field is now displayed as a tooltip

License Manager

  • License manager improvement for easier understanding and use

All settings are centralized in the same place


Overhaul of user interface messages

  • Added instructional messages
  • Added information messages
  • Added contextual messages
  • Added messages to prompt contribution to the enhancement of the software


And Also, this update brings bug fixes and improvements.

It notably:

  • resolves a bug which could prevent metadata enrichment (« optio » panel of « metadata enrichment »)
  • resolves a bug where the « hide/show edition » panel would malfunction
  • resolves a bug concerning fbx files loading (fbx loader)
  • fixes the display of the measurements in the Product Structure
  • fixes a rendering engine bug
  • fixes a bug concerning the switch to Compatibility Mode when the graphic card was insufficient
  • fixes a bug which could prevent handling of the orientation cube

This new version of 3D Juump Ace 2.3 offers a serie of optimization of the editing tools to make it even easier to use. The software is more intuitive and now proposes a « helper » dedicated to technical documentation writers using the « Moving parts » tool. New formats are also supported to satisfy input requirements of third-party platforms dedicated to augmented reality and/or virtual reality.
The improvements and the new features have been created to further enhance the leitmotiv of 3D Juump Ace « the multi-format and multifunctional viewer accessible to all ».

What is new in the version:

3D formats and metadata
• New formats available for reading and writing:
Import (collada, glTF 2, glb)Export (glTF 2, glb)
Improved management of already supported formats
• Metadata import
• Enrichment of the ID Card from a CSV file

New Application Configuration
• Definition of the unit (mm, cm, m, inch)
• Definition of the scene accuracy (number of decimals)
• Enabling the import of hidden parts

Optimization of existing tools
• Display:
Addition of a world orientation frame in the 3D area
Moving parts
Visual display of the current offset in the dedicated tab and in 3D
• Rotation of parts:
Visual display of the current rotation in 3D,
Remove of the limitation to -180, +180 degrees of the rotation angle
• Scale:
Simplification of the user interface
• Cut plane:
Alignment with a reference frame (world, local …)
• View box:
Icon reorganization

Provision of new tools
• Moving parts:
Part movement helper : use of features to position parts together (circle axis only)

• Changing the application menu in the Windows « Start » menu
• Evolution of the « About » dialog box:
Insertion of a direct link to the website
Update of external libraries
Addition of preventive messages on the expiry of the license

And also, patches have been made to the following features:
• The definition of the ground in the orientation cube
• The handling of the orientation cube
• The interruption of the export of the FBX
• The interruption of the simplification process
• The action of deleting tags
• The display of the measurement in the 3D scene
• Navigation in the product structure
• The rendering of icons in the export HMI
• Color management of .obj files
• The choice of the object used in the measurement
• Management of specials characters for the name of.vrml file
• The « search » function
• The display of the « hidden working » message
• The indication of the number of triangles after simplification
• The quality of the 3D display
• Drag and drop

New version 3D Juump Ace V2.2 is now available on the Windows Store. This new distribution channel aims to facilitate purchase for French and international companies. The software is available in over 240 countries in its unrestricted version. Learn more (link to the store). 3D juump Ace has been enriched with new features to better meet the expectations of its users:
• Visualization of contour lines on your assembles (visible in 2D export)
• Import 3D files directly into the product trees
• Adjust the position of the pivot point from the 3D scene to facilitate the manipulation of the object
• Enlarging or narrowing the geometry of the object directly from the 3D scene
• Optimization of transparent parts management thanks to a dedicated space.
• New 3D export format (JT/STEP).
• This new version offer significant improvements in terms of performance:
• Faster loading of large assemblies
• Optimized execution speed
• Better management of the battery on laptop

The new version offers a lot of new features

3D Export:
• TEP (Product Structure) + JT (geometry)
• WRZ (in addition to WRL replacing VRML)

3D Simplification:
• Automatic and adaptive simplification of 3D according to an absolute target (number of triangles) or relative (% ratio).

Vectorial Export:
• Automatic calculation of 2D drawing from 3D.
• Export of the result as a vector image in SVG format.BOM Export:
• Export of part(s) metadata in CSV format.

BOM Import:
• Import of additional metadata (associated with 3D) in CSV format.

• Research and selection of metadata from the 3D and the product structure.

Editing materials:
• Management and editing imported materials.
• Creation and application of new materials.

Product structure display:
• Display of the complete product structure.
• Calculation of possible axes of parts movement according to their mechanical stresses.

• Measurement of geometric features (segment, arc, circle).
• Measures between geometries and/or 3D parts.

Cut planes:
• Creation and editing cutting tools, with partial consideration of 3D: plan, section, quarter view and box.

3D Views management:
• Creation and editing views: camera (isometric/perspective views), visibilities, materials, parts movements, cut planes and measures.

Metadata management associated with instances:
• Association of metadata with parts or instances.

Show/No Show:
• Switch of display between hidden/visible elements.

Isometric/Perspective projection mode:
• Isometric: Projection in which exact views of an object are constructed by extending perpendiculars from points on the object to the plane of projection.
• Perspective: Projection of points by straight lines drawn through them from some given point to an intersection with the plane of projection.

Floating license:
• Possibility of subscription to floating licenses.

• Possibility to add tag allowing to regroup parts.

Initial release

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